Zero-Order Waveplates are comprised of 2 pieces of crystal quartz with the optical axes assembled at 90° to one another. OptiSource utilizes 3 assembly processes for Zero-Order Waveplates. Standard OptiSource compound Zero-Order Waveplates are optically contacted. Please specify if you wish have your compound Zero-Order Waveplates assembled via another method such as air-spaced or glued. Zero-Order Waveplates are more resistant to polarization shift due to thermal variations during use.

OptiSource Part Numbering Scheme

OptiSource Part Numbering Scheme
Product Code: QWPO / ASQWPO / CQWPO
- QWPO: Quartz Waveplate Zero-Order
- ASQWPO: Air-Spaced Quartz Waveplate Zero-Order
- CQWPO: Cemented Quartz Waveplate Zero-Order
- Zero-Order Waveplates are available coated or uncoated; with or without anodized aluminum mounts
- Customer specified antireflection coatings are available
- Standard diameters for standard wavelengths can be ordered at matrix pricing for the required quantity.
- Please contact OptiSource Technical Sales for your non-standard requirements:
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